Bullpup Stock Could I Use This 10/22 Stock With A Remington 597?

Could I Use This 10/22 Stock with a Remington 597? - bullpup stock


Can this stock Bullpup Muzzelite one Remington Model 597 and there is much difference between the two.


beavizar... said...

Unless you are a mechanic or engineer a very gifted in the production of polymers and reverse not engineerinng.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but in my experience muzzlelite conversions are not so great. There are more weapons unweidy securities, the sights and trigger just plain suck!

And the time, effort, money and personnel for the operation, more than the cost of the stock and the purchase of a product used 10/22

boker_ma... said...

You are not far from the same weapon, if they say a cigarette, it is a Ruger 10/22, then that is what it is.

DJ said...

No, he can. It is an entirely different weapon.

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