Raise Head Of Bed Why Our 2 Months Baby Always Raise Her Head To The Ceiling?
Why our 2 months baby always raise her head to the ceiling? - raise head of bed
In the eyes of our child does not follow that the order to mobilize as a bell or keyring? She referred in particular to the head and neck area on the roof watching the lights. Is this normal?
At this age is quite normal. My son was obsessed with ceiling fans. He loved to see, move it. It seems she was just checking their environment. No fear at all.
My son, aged three months in a few days and did so for a while. It's like a child know that this world is still very new for them. You must remember that if their child was not so much light it was something different about her, and she likes it. There is nothing to fear.
Normal. When my daughter that age, she looks at the ceiling fan and lamp. I think it's the age they are trying to understand what light is and why its so beautiful.
10 weeks have a son, and he does what he loves to see in the shadows, as
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